New Pool Pump Law 2021

There’s a new law on its way and it will affect many pool owners. If you’re planning to treat your pool to a new pump at the start of 2021 pool season then you’ll need to read this and make yourself aware of what’s coming and what’s changing. The law may not directly affect your […]

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Pool Filter Improvement

Good pool filtration ranks right up there on the list of things that keep your pool crystal clear and inviting. We’re going to take a look at a few easy things you can do to improve your pools filtration

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Cloudy Hot Tub

A cloudy hot tub is pretty much going to happen to all hot tub owners some time or other. In fact how to fix a cloudy tub is one of our most frequently asked questions.

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Swimming Pool Filter Balls

Is swapping to sand filter balls a good idea, do they work, and what are they anyway? In this pool filter ball review we’re going to find out.

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Flow Meter In Pool

If you knew installing a swimming pool flow meter could save you money you’d be interested, right ?  But if you knew it could save you a lot of money then you’d be very interested.

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Pump Run Time Water and Clock

How long your pool pump runs every day affects your pool health and has a direct effect on your bank balance health too because the pool pump is the largest contributor to your swimming pool running costs.

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Sun2Solar Energy Efficient Pool

Pool energy efficiency. There’s a new law on its way and it will affect many pool owners. If you’re planning to treat your pool to a new pump at the start of 2021 pool season then you’ll need to read this

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pool safety for pets Steps

Your pet is part of the family and needs to be protected around a pool just like any other family member. Finding a beloved pet in distress or worse in your pool is not an experience nobody wants to go through.

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Pool Pressure Gauge

Whether you realise it or not the pool pressure gauge is one of the most valuable pool maintenance tools. This little guy is at worst ignored and oft times misunderstood.

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Xtremepower solar powered pool ioniser System

If you run a solar powered pool ioniser you’ll use a lot less chlorine or bromine products in the pool, and you don’t have to run the pool pump so often.

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